Wednesday, August 25, 2010


OCHANGE has helped me gain self-awareness and self-concept about myself through our Developing Self Awareness discussion and Jung Typology exercise. I learned more about myself – my character, and emotional stability. In my opinion, it is important to know the self in order to succeed. This is because knowing the self is knowing one’s capabilities, strength, weaknesses, and limitations. And knowing these important information about the self is vital to in understanding how one works and how one cope with pressure. In addition, knowing these key information, we may better understand how one relates to other people.

My second learning I gained from OCHANGE is to always look at the core strengths and positive aspects of every situation, whether it be in an organizational setting or just in day-to-day situations. It is good to always be optimistic and look at the brighter side of things because this emits hope that can translate into a drive to work and change to be more efficient and effective.

Giving practical examples for every lesson is a great way to learn so that we may know how to apply what is taught, I would like to see more of this. Overall, I learned many valuable lessons in OCHANGE that I may apply when I step into the real world.

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