Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Heirarchy of Personal Life by JFCruz

Everyone value one’s personal life, some even love it so much that they go to extremes just to protect it. One’s personal life may be always separate to an individual’s professional life, but there is no doubt that both lives affect each other in one way or another. People usually get deeply affected in their personal life whenever they experience trouble in their professional life, and vise versa. Our personal lives exhibit different hierarchies that an individual must acknowledge and learn to function better as a person.

The hierarchy of personal life has four levels and at the inner most level is self-awareness.

Inner Levels:
Self-awareness is how an individual acknowledges the different facets of him/her self. Knowing the different aspects of one’s life help an individual attain a focus in life. The next inner level is strategic priorities and goals, here individuals in a way determines the direction he/she will take in their life. Focusing on specific goals helps an individual attain it and be efficient in doing so.

Outer Levels:
Managing time goes a long way in life, when ever tasks are stacked up against you being able to manage one’s time will play an essential role. Being able to manage times makes task easier because you follow a time line that assures you that everything will be done in time. This level will help an individual in future dilemmas, like handling stress which is the next level. Located at the outer most level, managing stress basically cover how an individual handles challenges that may face him/her in their lives. People often see stress as a hold back but in reality it is a tool that defines an individual’s life if handled properly.


Developing Self Awareness

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